Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Audio PHP Program - Try This Amazing Technique!

Audio PHP Program is amazingly effective as it simply helps your Site to convert better. One thing is for sure - you must always be unique on the web. Learn how it works, take 2 minutes to read this article.

Short background

The following advanced Audio PHP Program enables you to quickly convert music/audio file(s) to Web-Format. It works fast and requires very minimal user intervention. You provide it with the requested files, then decide on which player-style you like the most, and that's it. By the time it completes the job you get a small code that needs to be embedded onto your desired webpage.

Just for you to know, the following process generates a 'streaming webaudio' - it doesn't have to be fully downloaded in order to start playing it.

We can easily identify the potential here and the fact that it provides incredible opportunities for any webmarketer; for example: adding your voice right where customers complete the final steps of the order process (can dramatically decrease the number of last minute dropouts) or the ability to 'smash' the silence of the world-wide-web and make WebPages come alive.

Tip to go

Before you make your first steps while using this technology: speak fluently and with confidence - your listeners must feel it in your voice. One other thing: there are various complicated and expensive solutions on the net', begin with the small ones - in most cases you won't need more than that.


If you really want to boost the success of your online business, no doubt that Audio PHP Program is one of these solutions that you should seriously consider. Take a moment and imagine what would have happened if your WebPages could suddenly "speak". Now is the time to take action - it is recommended to use it so you could instantly evaluate the wide range of benefits that it provides.

Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   

"Site With Audio" Tool - It is Going to Blow You Away!

Have you ever considered using a "Site With Audio" Tool for your Site? One thing is for sure - you must always be unique on the web. Looking for better webmarketing results? follow this report.

Some basics

The secret of this special "Site With Audio" Tool is it's embedded processor - it easily enables you to convert audio and music files to Web-Format. The process is quite short and easy. You provide it with the requested files, then pick a player design, buttons, colors, and your part end here. When it finishes processing you get a small code that you embed into your html page.

Just for you to know, the following process generates a 'streaming webaudio' - your visitors don't have to wait to download a large file before playing that file.

It is quite easy to understand the potential here, as it offers loads of benefits; for example: adding background music to your voice recordings or being able to let your visitors hear you rather than just read your plain text.

Quick tip

Here is a short advice while using this technology: rehearse your recordings until you feel you got the best result. Remember - there are many advanced techniques and solutions on the net', try the basic ones - most probably that you'll find it sufficient for your need.

Article summary

"Site With Audio" Tool can truly make 'miracles' for Webmasters, online-marketers, and small online businesses. Take a moment and imagine what would have happened if your WebPages could suddenly "speak". It is highly recommended to test it so you could truly experience the various opportunities that it brings.

Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   How to Use Audio in Business   Using Videos In Your Website   

Get Free Legal Music For Your Website

Want to start a music website with free downloads but don't know where to look for free and legal sources of mp3 files? This article shows you how.

Finding free legal material for adding to your own website is a legal landmine, especially if you use social networking sites to source your material as some of the artists on these sites are using illegal samples and releasing unlicensed cover versions to the public. But, one place that is overlooked for free music.

If your starting a music website or want free and legal music to host on your site then there are places that you can go to where you can download free and legal music which you can also use on your own website called Netlabels. Netlabels are growing in numbers now that sales of music are dipping and more and more big name artists are choosing to give away FULL albums. Some of these Netlabels are releasing very professional material, some of which i'm surprised has never been signed to major labels.

What is so special about these netlabels is that they also allow you to host the music you download from these sites on your own server and distribute freely. There are obviously conditions attached and usually can be found on the page that distributes the download in the form of a "Creative Commons" license. This is a license that can be created using the Creative Commons website and there are different types of licenses so its best to read the license given before adding any of the music to your own website.

Finding netlabels may need a bit of research, but one way of doing it may be to do a search on Google. For example the search term "dance music netlabel" throws up quite a few results on the first page, one of those being my own. You could try using that term or changing it to the music genre that you want to host. There are also music directories that list netlabels that you might want to try searching.

One thing you should never do without the permission of the website owners is to link to the file on the netlabels servers, this uses up their own bandwidth and most netlabels run as a non-profit organisation.

Now that you are armed with this info, getting free music for your website could not be easier.

Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   How to Use Audio in Business   Using Videos In Your Website   

How to Get Experts to Say Yes to an Interview With Me

Getting the rights to an interview is simple. All you do is ask for permission.

Think about Oprah Winfrey. You know, people are not coming on to the Oprah show just for their health.

They are coming on to the show so they can promote their new movie, their new book,or some cause that needs money.

When you contact an expert that you want to interview, and you invite them to be interviewed on your radio show or on your website, they are agreeing to that interview with you because there's something in it for them.

And that reason is free promotion, publicity, and potential sales down the road.

They are trading their expertise and time for potential exposure to new clients that they would never be able to get too.

There are a lot of reasons why your guest want to have an interview with you.

If you're just starting out, you may be thinking that you don't have anything to offer. So, why they want to have an interview with me?"

There are many people that don't have a chance to talk about their passion, and what they love, or what they've been doing all these years.

Not even there significant other, wife or husband will take time to listen. Just by asking and have the willingness to listen may be all the reason you need.

Don't let your confidence stop you from asking.

Ask and you shall receive. You will not always get a yes. If you ask ten people and you get one person to say yes you're doing fantastic.

By asking and inviting, you'll never run out of experts to interview.

Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   How to Use Audio in Business   Using Videos In Your Website   

How to Set Your Website Apart in a Slow Economy

It's true...even with the help from the federal government, the US economy is going to be in the doldrums for a while. No sense in complaining, because that won't do any good. Complaining doesn't fix anything, and only serves to make you more conscious of how you wish things were instead of how they are.

And remember great-aunt Josephine used to say about wishes...if wishes were horses, we could ride away!

Wishes aren't horses, so we can't ride. What we can do is take a good, hard look at our businesses and see just how we can set ourselves apart from the competition. Whether it's just freshening up the website or doing a major overhaul, making changes in your business site is a great place to start, especially if that's the main way your clients find you and find out about your services. Sites that haven't been updated in three to six months are considered nearly obsolete, so if yours falls into that category, think about some steps you can take, inexpensively, to help clients have a better experience and spend more time on your site.

Have a graphic designer look at it for cleanliness of design, clarity of message and ease of use.

Have a web developer look at it for functionality, and also for whether you're making the best use of your web presence. Does the page sequence flow? Is the shopping cart easy and accurate? Is the part that needs to be secure really secure? Ask if you're making use of the technology that may have been developed since your site went live: do you have a way to harvest site visitors' email addresses in order to grow your potential client database? Do you have content that's easy to change and update to keep the site fresh once you get it spiffed up?

And are you using, or can you use audio and maybe even video? If you're not already using multimedia, now is the time to consider doing that.

The Consumer Electronics Association reports that almost 75% of US households have broadband access, and for the heavy internet user (someone who spends more than 10 hours a week at home online) broadband penetration is nearly 90%. What this means is that the old rules for websites don't apply anymore...you can be content-rich and interactive with video and audio on the site. You can offer free audio downloads or video downloads, and many business owners are doing that in exchange for a visitor's email address.

You can have a warm, friendly human voice help visitors navigate your site, seeing the things you want them to see, hearing the things you want them to hear, and greeting them any time of day or night, even while you're sleeping!

You can offer audio e-courses...you can add a podcast, one of the hottest marketing tools going right now...you can offer an e-book / audio book download, something the top internet marketers are using to make more money than even they thought possible.

All of this makes you more visible, more credible and more profitable. Because all of these things enhance the stickiness of your site...the likelihood that visitors will stay for more than 5 or ten seconds.

Good design, good navigation and good interactivity equals a website that will set your business apart from your competitor's.  Now is the time to be sure your site is truly doing business in your best interest.

Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   

Audio Books Are For Everyone

There was a time when the sole purpose of an audio book is to enable the blind to still read a book. It makes it easier for them than having to read via the use of their fingers or the Braille method. It brings characters to life. It brings enjoyment for those who lost hope of seeing again. It makes everything bearable because they can enjoy one of the finer things in life. Gone are the days when all they can depend on are Braille in order to read. The fact that books in Braille is limited surely made them sad. Popular books such as the Twilight or the Harry Potter series have their own audio books which can be downloaded via the World Wide Web. Kids or even adults can enjoy the books, whether blind or not, by listening to it.

Aside from those who cannot see, those who cannot literally read use audio books to help them read. It could be kids who are too young to read or it could be someone who was not taught to read for whatever reason. Aside from reading to them, these kinds of books also teach them how to read. It teaches them how to pronounce words. It teaches them the proper intonation, the proper emphasis and even when to pause.

There was also a time when old people would hire somebody to read to them. Those days are also gone and are no longer needed. They can just get their favorite audio book and have somebody play it for them. So you see audio books are used by many if not all.

Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   

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